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The Library currently accepts donations of gently used books, Audiobook CDs, and DVDs no older than 10 years. Sometimes, we have no space for new donations, so please always check with library staff before you drop off donations.


All bulk donations of 10 or more items need to be approved by library staff. Please call ahead (618-965-9732) to see if we are accepting bulk donations at this time.


Items we DO NOT accept:


  • Outdated fiction (20+ years)

  • Outdated nonfiction (10+ years)

  • Encyclopedias

  • Dictionaries

  • Textbooks from 2014 or older

  • VHS tapes

  • Cassette tapes

  • Torn or dirty materials


Please never drop boxes or bags of donations outside the library doors. Materials left outside can become moldy or infested with insects. This is a risk of contamination of all library materials and a staff safety concern. Therefore, any items left outside cannot enter the building and will immediately have to go in the trash.


Where can you take items we do not want?

  • Items that are torn can by recycled 

  • Books, videos, etc. may be taken to Goodwill, thrift stores, etc.



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